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    1,400 groups, 111 countries participate in global awareness campaign
    Khmelnytsky, Ukraine, Feb. 14, 2013—The Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law and more than 1,400 organizations in 111 countries are combining energies in 2013 to promote the International Year of Statistics (Statistics2013), a worldwide initiative that will highlight the contributions of the statistics field to finding solutions to global challenges.
    The goals of this awareness campaign are to:
    • Increase public understanding of the power and impact of statistics on all aspects of society
    • Nurture statistics as a profession, especially among high-school and college students
    Statistics2013 participants include national and international professional societies, universities, schools, businesses, government agencies and research institutes. These groups will help millions of people understand the value of statistical science through seminars, workshops and outreach to students and the media.
    Statistics—the science of learning from data and of measuring, controlling and communicating uncertainty—is much more than numbers on sports pages. Statistical science has powerful and far-reaching effects on everyone, yet most people are unaware of how it improves their lives, says Professor Omelyan I. Kulynych,  Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law.
    “For most people, statistics is an invisible science,” continues Professor Omelyan I. Kulynych. “Through this yearlong, worldwide awareness campaign, we will remove the veil that cloaks statistics from the public consciousness.”
    Examples of the impact of statistics abound in our society. For instance, statistics predicts weather and other natural hazards, powers Internet search engines and marketing campaigns, discovers and develops new drugs and makes the world secure and sustainable. Throughout the last two centuries, statistics was indispensable in confirming many of humankind’s greatest scientific discoveries and breakthroughs, such as the Higgs-Boson particle and the agricultural Green Revolution.
    Statistical science is most important tool for planning effective energy saving in manufacturing products in Ukraine.
    Today, statistics is improving the quality of human life on the world’s major continents:
    • Africa — Statistical analysis is reversing the cycle of poverty by improving literacy.
    • Asia — Transportation infrastructure is being improved based on statistical models of people flow.
    • Australia — Statistics was key in catching drug cheats during the 27th Olympic Games in 2000.
    • Europe — Statistical science is a critical tool in planning efficient recycling systems.
    • North America — Statistics is synthesizing evidence that improves treatments for heart conditions.
    • South America — Statistical methods are helping to feed the world by identifying new crop varieties in breeding experiments.
    “Our world is increasingly data-rich and data-dependent. Statistical analysis extracts information from this voluminous data to form the basis for decision-making in all types of organizations,” explains Professor Omelyan I. Kulynych. “Without statistics, life would be very different.”
    Central features of the Statistics 2013 awareness campaign are its website—www.statistics2013.org—and an informative two-and-a-half-minute video—Why Statistics Is Important to You—that explains how statistics improves the lives of the world’s 7 billion people. The website includes the following:
    • What Is Statistics? — An explanation in layman’s language
    • Stats2013AtSchool — A statistics quiz for students
    • Statistics as a Career — Information about the work of statisticians and careers in statistics
    • Teacher Resources — Primary and secondary school resources, a downloadable flyer and posters
    Ukraine – Khmelnitsky University of Management and Law to promote Statistics2013 on May 23, 2013 will hold All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Conference "Statistical evaluation of socio-economic development." The conference will consider the theoretical and practical applications of two new statistical methods developed by Professor Omelyan I. Kulynych: the method statistical equations of dependencies and the method complex of statistical coefficients. The conference will provide statistical literature and computer software for described statistical methods developed by Associate Professor Roman O. Kulynych. To participate in the Scholars and practice not only in Ukraine, but also from other countries. Learn more about this event and new statistical methods.
    We invite you to participate in the 12th All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Statistical evaluation of socio-economic development" to be held May 23, 2013 in Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law.
    Main themes for the conference:
    1. Statistical evaluation of correlation factors and effective indicators of socio-economic development.
    2. Statistical forecasting and simulation of socio-economic development in the context of globalization of world economy.
    3. Comparative characteristics using the methods of correlation and regression analysis and statistical equations to study the dependency relationship of socio-economic phenomena.
    4. Statistical methods of study of regional development programs.
    5. Application of complex statistical coefficients to assess the socio-economic development.
    6. Index analysis of patterns of socio-economic development.
    To participate in the conference you need to April 15, 2013 send:
    1. Application for participation.
    2. Report and a copy of the payment of the registration fee for the conference (form attached).

    For additional information, please visit www.kulynych.in.ua or call +380973971280.
    For more information:
    Associate Professor Roman O. Kulynych
    Office: +380973971280
    E-mail: kulynych_roman@ukr.net
    All events related to Statistics2013 will be posted in advance website www.kulynych.in.ua.

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