Надіслати листа Мапа сайту На головну сторінку
... Я бачу загибель тієї держави, де закон не має сили і перебуває під чиєюсь владою. А там де закон – володар над правителем, вони його раби, я вбачаю порятунок держави й усі блага, які тільки можуть дарувати державам боги (Платон) ...
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    29000, Україна
    м. Хмельницький,
    вул. Героїв Майдану, 8
    тел:    (0382)71-80-00
    факс: (0382)71-75-70
    email: info@univer.km.ua


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    Погода в Хмельницькому » Україна

    Energy Company

    Місце проведення: Leipzig

    Термін проведення: з 2010-11-29 по 2011-01-29


    DEADLINE TO APPLY: 12th July 2010

    VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG (VNG) is an international group of companies headquartered in Leipzig, Germany, and a reliable supplier of natural gas from Norwegian, Russian and other sources to major users and municipal distributors in Europe. VNG has been active in the natural gas sector for over 50 years. Today, VNG is Germany’s third largest gas importer and ranks among Europe’s top ten.

    The trainee will have different tasks like write opinions and comments or do research to support the lawyers of the division.

    Net salary:
    from 700 € up to 1000 € per month

    Required Graduation Level:

    Advanced level: Civil Law & Contract Law
    General level: Legal Theory, Administrative Law, International Arbitration, European Competiton Law and Energy Law

    Fluent: English & German

    Leipzig, situated in Saxony, is with roughly 500.000 inhabitants one of the populoused cities in the east of Germany. Our city is popular for the traid fair, Johann Sebastian Bach and of course as university town - the university of Leipzig just celebrated its 600th anniversary. Next to the lovely and bustling towncenter you also have beautiful parks and lakes in and around the city and a nightlife consisting of many bars, pubs, restaurants and clubs stamped by the students of the city. Naturally ELSA-Leipzig is looking forward to welcome you here!
